Friday, February 20, 2009

Workin' Hard

The past few days have been extremely busy ones. I haven't been able to get on here and update the blog, but I have made time for my workouts every day.

Wednesday WOD:

Row 500m
15x GHD situps
20x box jumps
3 rounds

Kettlebell Swing and Shuttle
10x double swings, carry 10m, sprint back.
15x swings, carry 20m, sprint back.
20x swings, carry 30 m, sprint back.

Thursday WOD:

Fight Gone Bad
Snatch, Overhead squat
plank pulls
1 minute work, 1 minute rest for 3 rounds
( I was short on time so I did each exercise for 1 minute and then rested for 1 minute between rounds rather than working 1 min and resting 1 min).

Wall Ball and sprint
20 wall balls, sprint 100m
15 wall balls, sprint 100m
10 wall balls, sprint 100m
5 wall balls, sprint 100m.

I will check in later to post Clark's workouts from this week as well as the punishment for the day. :-) It's Friday peoples, smile!

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