Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Week in Review

I wasn't able to get on here throughout the I though I would play catch up this morning to let you know what we have been up to. Clark did some of these, I did some of these, and others we did together.

Workout 1:
a1: Sledge Swing x 20
a2: Hindu Pushups x20
a:3 Alternating Sprinters Lunges (on kb handles) x 20
a4: KB Swings x 20

Rest for 60 seconds
Repeat for 5 rounds

Workout 2:
"More Maxwell"
6 minutes of jumprope
200 Hindu Squats (or Hindu Squats for 6 min)
100 Hindu Pushups
100 Clubmills (or KB swings)
100 Hammerswings
100 Double Clubbell Swipes (or KB snatches)

Workout 3:
BP at 185#
Summo Squat at 72# KB
3 rounds - 21 reps, 15 reps, 9 reps
follow it up with Tabata Push Press at 75#

Workout 4:
Thrusters and Pullups for 3 rounds: 21 reps, 15 reps, 9 reps

Workout 5:
"Chipper - TGIF 1"
500 meter row
20 Ball slams
20 ball toss
20 box jumps
20 back ex.
20 GHD
20 ring pushups
20 KTE
20 Double KB Press at 40#
20 Wall Balls
20 Burpees
20 Pull-ups

Workout 6:
"Carolyn's Sadistic"
20# Ball Squat and hold for 30 seconds, squat 2 times and hold 30 seconds on 2nd squat, ladder up to 10.

Workout 7:
"School Yard Scuffle"
One Minute Each
KB Swing
Jumping Pull-ups
Rest one Minute

3 rounds

Workout 8:
10 Deadlifts
25 box jumps

3 rounds

We celebrated Valentine's Day early and had a delicious dinner out at Olive Garden. However, we ate a bit too much, so we are in the process of coming up with a kick -tale Valentine's Day workout. Stay tuned to hear what we come up with. :-)

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