Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tire Drags and More

Clark was able to get in 3 smaller workouts throughout the day to make up one good workout for the day! :-)

This morning he was able to do Louder than 10 (a GymJones workout) that looks like this:

5 ball slams at 25#
10 pushups
15 Double Swings with two 36# KBs

11 Rounds

Then this afternoon he headed out and did

3 100 meter tire drags with 135# tire and two 36# KBs in a farmers walk.

Clark has discovered another great guy named RossEnamait. Clark decided to give one of his workouts a whirl. It is called Work Capacity 101. Here is what it looks like:

5 Pullups
10 ballslams
15 burpees
20 jumping jacks

the circuit begins every second minute for 20 minutes. Your goal is 10 times through in 20 minutes.

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