Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another Day, Another Workout (or two)

As you can tell, we are getting more internet time. :-)

Here is Clark's WOD:

10 Power Cleans at 135#
15 Decline Pushups on KB handles
for 5 Rounds

5 Fifty Meter Sprints with 44# KB tied behind him

Bench Press @ 135
for 3 rounds: 21 reps, 15 reps, 9 reps

5 Fifty Meter Sprints with 44# KB tied behind him

Peanut's WOD:
500 Meter Row
15 GHD Situps
20 box jumps
for 3 rounds

10 Double KB Swings + 10 meter farmers carry + 10 meter sprint
15 Double KB Swings + 20 meter farmers carry + 20 meter sprint
20 Double KB Swings + 30 meter farmers carry + 30 meter sprint

Now we are off to have Turkey Burgers on wheat buns. :-) Happy Tuesday everyone!

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