Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Take your pick

Today I am going to give you three different workouts. I forgot to post Clark's workout from yesterday. So we wills tart with that one. All three are from Gym Jones.

Workout 1:

Round 1 - 3 sets

Row for 20 seconds rest for 10 seconds 4 times
5 pushups + 5 pullups as many as possible in 2 minutes
2 minutes of rest

Round 2 - 4 sets
6 100 pound sandbag cleans to one shoulder - 3 each side
12 100 pound sandbag getups - 6 each side
Rest for 2 to 3 minutes

*** Sandbag get ups start with you on the ground on your back, sandbag is over your shoulder. Get yourself to a standing position, reverse the motion, switch sides, and do it again. We will post pics soon to help you understand. ***

Workout 2 (Clark's workout from today):

Warm-up: Row at an easy pace for 10 minutes
Workout: Row for 20 seconds rest for 10 4 times
Row for 2000 meters - equivalent of 8 minutes
Closing: 5 rounds - 20 sit-ups with feet anchored + 60 second plank hold

Workout 3 (Michelle's Workout from today):
This may look familar because it is the same workout Clark did Monday.

Warm-up: 10 minutes of lunges with varying weights and carries
Round 1: 10 tire flips + 10 step ups 5 times
Round 2: 1 rope pull at body weight + 25 GHD situps 5 times

Let us know if you try any of these or if you have any questions about the workouts! We would LOVE to hear from you!

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