Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tacfit Pictures

It's another day and another workout. We have managed to get on a different tacfit schedule which worked out great for the blog. Clark was on Mission 3, Level B (Grunt Level), cycle 2 out of 7 low intensity day. Michelle was on a tacfit recovery day working an alternate workout at medium intensity.

Michelle's WOD:
Warm up:
5 one legged deadlifts on the right leg with two 25# kettlebells
5 one legged deadlifts on the left leg with two 25# kettlebells
30 seconds of rest

4 rounds

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 55 pounds
Glute Hamstring Developers

7 rounds with reps reducing by 3 reps each round for 21-18-15-12-9-6-3

Since Michelle wasn't working a timed workout, she was able to get some great shots of Clark during his tacfit routine today. Enjoy

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