Friday, November 28, 2008

11/28/08 Our WOD

How'd you handle all of the Thanksgiving food? Did you indulge? We sure did! I ate a full plate and then found myself nibbling the rest of the day. Let's not talk about the pumpkin cheesecake to top it all off. The leftovers today need no mention either, lol. I was too busy eating to see how bad Clark did, but to hear him talk, he ate his share too.

We knew we had a lot of work to do today, so we pulled out the Ole Notebook to find a good workout. Oh wait, you don't know about our notebook, do you? We were finding such amazing material on-line that we started a spiral notebook of workouts. Anytime we come across a good workout, we pull out the notebook and write it down. When we can't figure out what we want to do, we go to the notebook and pick a workout. Clark and I are both proud to say that we have both invented our first original workouts and they are recorded in the notebook too. :-)

This must be our Maxwell week because we picked out another Maxwell killer! Here is what it looked like:

A1: 12 Thrusters (I used 2 24 lb kettlebells and Clark used 2 44 lb kettlebells)
A2: 8 Pullup Knees to Elbows (I opted for just the KTE today because this is a long one)
A3: 15 Bicycles

Repeat "A" for 5 rounds

Rest for 70 seconds

B1: 12 Double Snatches (I used 2 18 lb kettlebells for this one and Clark used 2 44 lb kettlebells)
B2: 30 seconds of Box Jumps (we don't have a box built yet, so we do plyometric jumps instead).
B3: 8 Renegade Rows (I used 2 24 lbers and Clark used 2 44 lbers)

Repeat "B" for 4 rounds

Rest for 60 seconds

C1: 20 Clubbell Mills with 15 lb clubbell (I have not mastered this yet, so I did 20 double kettlebel swings with 2 24 lbs kettlebells)
***The original woekout called for 20 Alternating Shield Casts with the clubbell***
C2: 10 Iranian Pushups (again, I haven't mastered this yet, so I did 10 hindu pushups)
C3: 20 Hammer Swings (Clark used a 35 lb kettlebell on a towel and I used a 15 lb clubbell) ***the original workout called for 6 to 8 two handed shield casts.

Repeat "C" for 4 rounds

We were both feeling good through round one. On round 2 we were feeling it. By round 3 we were hating life, lol! We had talked about doing a second shorter workout to top the day off, but we changed our minds by the end of this one! WHEW, it was a true tail kicker!

We staggered our workouts today. I started A one round ahead of Clark so that my 70 sec. rest would be during his last round of A. We did this so that we could take pictures to share here on the blog. We took way too many and couldn't decided which ones to post, so here is a slide show of our day. It makes me tired and sore just looking at it again!

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