Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A little of this, a little of that....

The Mason's are continuing to get ready for Metro Dash. We are mixing up the workouts and getting in a morning workout and an evening workout every day.

Monday, June 6 - Evening

Michelle worked on Interval Running. She ran a total of 2 miles by running 800 meters then breaking. After her interval running she did a core workout:

20 side bends each side with a 36# kettlebell in hand.
20 side twists each side holding a 36 # kettlebell by the horns at the belly button.
50 full body crunches
25 Supermans

Clark did a oldie... Maxwell Doubles. If you want to know more about it, check out an old blog post: MaxwellDoubles

Tuesday June 7 - Morning

Michelle did another oldie - Louder than 10
11 rounds
5 ball slams at 25#
10 pushups
15 kettlebell swings at 44#

Clark's morning routine will come son.

Tuesday, June 7 - Evening

Clark and Michelle did a strength workout together.

- 4 sets of Clean and Press - 5 reps each arm (Michelle at 36# and Clark at 53#)
- 4 sets of Snatches - 10 reps each arm (Michelle at 36# and Clark at 53#)
- 4 sets of Pistols (1 legged squats) - 5 each leg
- 4 sets of Pushups/Body Rows and Pushups -5 pullups/body rows and 15 pushups.

Wednesday, June 8 - Morning

Clark is at the fire department - his workout will come soon and he may not be able to get two workotus in today.

Michelle did the follwing
3 rounds of each exercise for 45 seconds each
- Crunches
- Front Planks
- Right Side Plank
- Left Side Plank
- Reach Throughs
- Situps
As many rounds as possible of the following in 15 minutes
- 5 Knees to Elbows
- 10 Pushups
- 15 Squats

Wednesday, June 8 - Evening

Here is what is planned for tonight

5 rounds
- 30 seconds of burpees
- 30 seconds of squats
- 30 seconds of jumping jacks
- 30 seconds of shadow boxing
5 rounds
- Full body crunches - 15 reps
- Russian Twists - 10 reps (each side)
- Back extensions - 12 reps
- V-Ups - 15 reps
- Bicycles - 25 reps

Monday, June 6, 2011

Training for Metro Dash

The Masons are officially registered for Orlando Metro we have to get ready to race! We have decided to get in a morning workout and an evening workout every Monday through Friday for the next two week. Saturday will be a one workout day and Sunday will be rest day.

Monday's morning workout is done. Let us know if you give either one of these a try!

Michelle did a tabata heavy bag workout. That is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds each exercise. 1 miute rest between tabata rounds.

1-2's on the left.
air squats
1-2's on the right
hook-upper cut on the left
jump rope
hook-upper cut on the right
bag kicks left leg
bag kicks right leg

This is a good 45 minute high energy workout. It is sure to get your heart going, muscles burning, and calories melting!

Clark did a tough one.

8 sets of 8 accelerating front squats at 135 pounds (if you want to know what an accelerating squat is, just ask). There was a 1 minute break between each set.

6 sets of 4 lunges (2 each leg) with a 95 pound sand bag on one shoulder and a 53 pound kettlebell in the opposite hand.

6 sets of sled drags at about 300 pounds (3 forward, 3 backward). We don't have a sled, so in all our madness we drag tires with kettlebells inside them to get the correct weight.

This is one is a lot harder than it looks.